Monthly Archives: April 2014

Williamson County Goes After the Little Guys

Williamson County is going to a lot of trouble to publicize its crackdown on hot check writers. You may have seen the press releases. They even went modern and posted YouTube videos. Click here to see them.

When ordinary people write checks in excess of their deposits, and don’t make good on them, it’s a crime and they should be punished. They are stealing from people and businesses who relied upon their promise to pay.

Besides, the government doesn’t like competition.

monopoly_bankerWhen the major banks do it, in collusion with the privately-owned banking cartel euphemistically called “The Federal Reserve,” the government says nothing. That’s because this is how government lives beyond its means. The result to you and me is inflation, which is, in effect, a hidden tax. So whenever you hear government say they are going to increase spending but that it won’t result in increased taxes, they are lying.

Wait. That’s too harsh. Let’s just say they are being less than honest. That sounds nicer, doesn’t it?

Government counts on your ignorance of how the modern, debt-based financial system works. Get educated folks. Except in certain situations, prices don’t go up because things are worth more. They go up because the currency is worth less and sooner or later it becomes worthless. Noticed any inflation lately?

To be fair to Williamson County, they are suing banks that used the Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS) but only because that is how mortgage lenders have avoided paying fees for recording property transfers with the counties. Oh, and lots of homeowners were subjected to improper foreclosures but if they really cared about that, it wouldn’t be a lawsuit but a Grand Jury indictment.

Related story: Funding Essential Government Services With Bonds

Stay tuned. Class will resume in future stories.


Coupland Civic Organization April 28 Supper and Meeting

Submitted by Jennifer Dollins:

TEXAS STAR-RoseThe Coupland Civic Organization (CCO) will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, April 28, in the Fellowship Hall of St. Peter’s Church of Coupland. Representatives from community organizations will present news from their groups.

Speakers will include Coupland Mayor Jack Piper, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Barbara Piper, and representatives from Manville Water Supply Corporation.

The CCO will host a barbeque-on-bun supper at 6:30 p.m., and the program begins at 7.

Coupland City Council Highlights for April 10, 2014

The Coupland City Council followed up on some old business, continued working on plans for a Spring Cleanup Day, responded to a citizen complaint about trashy & overgrown properties within the city limits, discussed the mowing of city streets, talked about city records and the city’s website, and took action to secure additional tax revenue. Four citizens attended the meeting. Eldridge Tidwell was unable to attend. Here are the highlights:

  • The City has 38,355.47 in the bank as of March 31, 2104.
  • The final plat for the Prinz Estates Subdivision has not yet been submitted to the city for approval.
  • The Council discussed plans for the Spring Cleanup Day, set for Saturday, May 17. The youth group from St. Peter’s Church will assist. Other organizations have been invited. There will be a large dumpster available. Only Coupland residents may bring their refuse to the dumpster. Proof of residency will be required. Hazardous materials and large appliances will not be accepted. The event will begin at 9 AM and end at dark.
  • The Council engaged in an extensive discussion in response to a request from a local citizen that the City adopt an ordinance dealing with trashy & overgrown properties. Barbara Piper received the complaint and promised that it would be brought before the Council.  She said that she believes that it is the proper role for the city Council to take complaints and address concerns. She reported that the citizen said the appearance of Coupland had gone downhill. During the discussion Council members pointed out that the city was taking positive action, referencing the plans for the cleanup day, which was already in progress before the complaint was received. Karen Marosko said that we should talk to people and try to find help for them if they need it. She said that there were different reasons for people’s property to become unsightly. She said, however, that only if it was a health or sanitation problem, or a danger such as a burn threat should the city take action. She said it should start with a letter to the property owner. Susan Garry said that she thinks that the appearance of various properties has improved lately and gave specific examples. Susan Schmidt said she had seen a family cleaning up a lot that did not belong to them, apparently taking matters into their own hands. Mayor Piper said that at the beginning of the incorporation process there had been discussions about communicating with people to address these types of issues. Ms. Piper said that we should find solutions short of adopting an ordinance that would help to make Copland more attractive. She said there should not be any official government action except for health or safety issues and in those cases the County should be able to assist us. Ms. Gary commented that sometime back, Ms. Piper had been able to get the County to take care of a property near the school which was the source of bee attacks upon children. Ms. Schmidt acknowledged the difficulty of approaching people whose properties are in bad shape. Ms. Piper said that she felt that the cleanup day might help inspire people and that letters are sometimes sufficient. During the discussion, citizens were allowed to freely address the Council with one resident commenting that dealing with unattractive properties treads a fine line and that we don’t want an “HOA situation.” In the end, the official consensus of the Council was that they would continue to discuss the issue but that they were not interested in pursuing the establishment of a specific ordinance at this time.
  • Regarding the mowing of city streets, Mayor Piper reported that there were 5 miles of roads within the city limits. However, because many residents maintain their properties up to the streets, a contractor would not have to mow all of those 5 miles, which would really be 10 miles to do both sides of the streets. The Mayor is going to solicit bids for the mowing. He hopes to be able to present those bids to the city Council at the May meeting.
  • Under state law, the city is required to have a specific policy for records management and retention and a specific person is to be designated to oversee the implementation of that policy. An ordinance establishing the policy must be filed with the state. The City Secretary (yours truly) summarized the current practices: Paper copies of official documents such as agendas, minutes, and ordinances are on file in the city office in the Coupland Fire Station. Digital copies are stored online in a account, with multiple backups on the Mayor’s personal computer and the Secretary’s personal computers. The Secretary and the Mayor may have some items in their possession while they are being prepared but once work is complete, they are stored at the city office and in digital formats. The Secretary and the Mayor will draft the formal policy and present it at a future City Council meeting.
  • The Mayor presented an ordinance repealing the sales tax exemption that was in existence by default for telecommunications services sold within the City. Section 1, subsection (a) of the ordinance says this: “A tax is hereby authorized pursuant to Section 321.203(g) (Consummation of Sale) of the Texas Tax Code on all telecommunications services sold within the City.  For purposes of this section, the sale of telecommunications services is consummated at the location of the telephone or other telecommunications device from which the call or other communication originates.  If the point of origin cannot be determined, the sale is consummated at the address to which the call or other communication is billed.” Such services would be subject to the existing 1 ¼% city sales tax. The vote to adopt the ordinance was unanimous and it will be submitted along with the official minutes to the State Comptroller.
  • The previous two items (records management and telecommunications tax) came to the attention of the Council as a result of articles in the official magazine of the Texas Municipal League.
  • There was a discussion regarding the development of the city’s website. The Secretary showed the Council the new website. It is still under development and contains no official information at this time but it can be found at There was a brief discussion about whether or not to establish official email addresses for City officials. Matt Eiben recommended that instead of email addresses, which are easily spammed, the City utilize a contact form on the website. He also said that the City’s website needs “curb appeal” and that he would submit a proposal to help stimulate ideas. He also suggested that the Council look at websites of other cities. Mayor Piper said that he would review options with the Secretary.
  • During the citizens and events recognition portion of the meeting only the cleanup day was mentioned.
  • During the citizens communication portion of the meeting, Sarah Torluemke spoke on ordinances in general. She said Coupland is going to change and that when ordinances are brought forth, the intent should be clearly stated but that the primary purpose should be to protect Coupland. Ruby Wabbel spoke about the potential ordinance on junky properties. She said that any such ordinance should address only safety and health issues and that the City Council should not adopt the role of a homeowners association. She also thanked the the Council members for volunteering their time, for being concerned about the welfare of Coupland, and for helping keep Coupland at its best.

The next meeting of the Coupland City Council will be on May 8.

L-R: Susan Garry, Barbara Piper, Jack Piper, Karen Marosko, Eldridge Tidwell, Susan Schmidt (September 12, 2013)

L-R: Susan Garry, Barbara Piper, Jack Piper, Karen Marosko, Eldridge Tidwell, Susan Schmidt
(September 12, 2013)

Don’t Miss the Blood Moon on Monday Night!

If the weather forecast holds, Monday night will be clear and cold. Perfect conditions for observing a total eclipse of the moon, although it might be a bit gusty . . . again.

During a total lunar eclipse, only long-wave red light from the Sun leaks around planet Earth, filtered by our atmosphere, giving the moon a ruddy appearance, hence the name “Blood Moon.”

Astronomers, astrologers, and biblical scholars are beside themselves with anticipation because there will be four Blood Moons in 2014/2015. Combine that with the Grand Cardinal Cross of Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and Mars. and the fact that the Blood Moons fall on religiously significant days . . . not to mention the first one falling on Tax Day, an evil omen to be sure . . . and you have the stage set for some serious drama.


Major events in human history are often accompanied by signs in the heavens. Let’s hope that this time around the signs point to your favorite vacation destination, spiritually speaking, and not to TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It).

Personally speaking, I have faith that mankind — with a little help from above — will find a way out of the morass of social, economic, and political crises that threaten to give the world a series of collective bad hair days. So unless you have to  get up at the crack of dawn, stay up for this spectacle of nature.

While you’re at it, look high in the southern sky to see a fiery Mars, which is at one of its closest approaches to Earth in many years. Look down and to the left to see golden Saturn. Look way to the west to see a dazzling Jupiter. The universe is a great place to live!

In our time zone, the total eclipse begins at 2:07 AM on Tuesday (Monday night) but the moon enters the Earth’s penumbra shortly after midnight. Get more information on the lunar eclipse by clicking here: April’s Total Eclipse of the Moon

St. Peter’s Church Says Hello to Easter & Goodbye to Pastor Dietz

Submitted by Pastor Frank Dietz:

Palm Sunday: 13 April – in addition to lifting palms the congregation will observe the Rite of Confirmation with five lively young people. All are welcome.

Good Friday is at 7 p.m. for a service marking both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday with a Table (Communion) and Tenebrae (increased shadows) service concluding in a reflective darkness and meditation.

Easter Sunday: 20 April – Early sunrise at 7:30 and 8 a.m. breakfast for any and all.

Festival Service with Communion at 10:15.


(It is a “farewel time” for sojourning interim pastor & teacher Frank Dietz and Karen as they return their focus and lives to New Braunfels)


Mess and Weeds vs. Messy Freedom

Submitted by Jim Huntington:

Mess and weeds vs. messy freedom….or manicuring, by ordinance, the “wild” out of the wild west.

Coupland has not been incorporated for even one year, yet much of the content addressed by and concomitant action of the board has been to establish strictures regarding what people can or cannot do.

Coupland seems to be gripped in a “what-if” scenario, that it is better to enact a whole passel of ordinances and restrictions as a putative risk averse, protective bubble around us based on fears, prejudices and projections as to what might happen, along with what they think should happen. In my opinion we are on a dangerous trajectory down the proverbial ignominious slope.

I am more distressed by the imposition of official ordinance on people’s benign actions or inactions than I am by the putative aesthetic offense of weeds and mess.

Freedom is often messy. I’ll opt for messy freedom any day over imposed constriction and intrusion, having lived both.

As I keep stressing, our ostensible reason for incorporation was to preserve the hands-off attitude that held sway in Coupland since its inception. Wm’son County’s ample laws worked fine for us for years yet gave us room to breathe.

Virtually every advance of government is usually at the expense of personal liberty. We have seen the most egregious governmental intrusion in history, over the six years of emperor 0’s reign of coercive terror.

If the City of Coupland wants to clean up the messiness, I strongly suggest we first do what was done in the past and that is solicit volunteers who will work in concert with those who are offending certain sensibilities, to help clean their properties, persuading rather than compelling.

From The Tao:

“When taxes are too high, people go hungry.

When the government is too intrusive, people lose their spirit.

Act for the people’s benefit. Trust them; leave them alone.
