Monthly Archives: September 2014

August Crime Report

Submitted by Jack and Barbara Piper, Neighborhood Watch Coordinators

Listedgo-to-jail-monopoly-150x150 below are the latest crime stats received from the Williamson County Sheriff’s Dept.:

Assault  –  FM 619
Recovered stolen vehicle – FM 619
Criminal Mischief – CR 460
Verbal disturbance – CR 491
Burglarly of habitation – CR 112
Driving while license suspended – FM 1466 Criminal Mischief – FM 619
Burglarly of habitation – CR 455 Assault – FM 1660

Traffic enforcements along FM 1466, Hwy. 95, FM 973, and FM 1660 yielded
citations for speeding, no drivers license, and expired license plate.

Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting Set for September 11

towncrier1The Coupland City Council will hold a public hearing at 6:45 PM to get input from the public on the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2015. The regular City Council meeting will follow the public hearing. Get the details from the link below.

City Council Public Hearing& Regular Meeting, 9-11-14

Saving the Old Iron Brushy Creek Bridge on CR 456

BridgeClosed2 Submitted by Karen Marosko:

The truly historical iron bridge crossing Brushy Creek on CR 456 has been closed due to safety concerns.  The state and Williamson County are studying whether to repair and put it back in service or tear it down and replace it with a new bridge.  With the long wonderful history of this good old bridge in this Coupland area, it would be a shame to not have it put back in service.  The bridge was completely renovated in 2006 with additional repairs in 2008 and in 2013 a completely new bridge flooring was installed.  So, there has been recent substantial investment in preserving and maintaining the bridge.  We need to keep this bridge in service and not unnecessarily spend massive extra tax dollars building a new bridge.

The bridge, originally built in 1912 by the now famous Brown and Root Company, goes back many generations of friends and neighbors who have spent time standing on that bridge, as a youngster or elder, looking at Brushy Creek. Once this type of truss bridge was very common but now, according to the Texas Department of Transportation’s culture resources department, as of 2008 there were only 21 such bridges remaining in all of Texas.  With very few people living on CR 456 and so very little daily traffic on the road as welI, it is hoped that by writing a letter to the Williamson County Commissioner’s Court and the Williamson County Historical Commission asking for their support, and enclosing a petition showing broad positive community interest, we can obtain their help once again to save our rare local beauty.  They both were of great help in preserving the bridge back in 2006 when it was renovated and hopefully they can do so again now. The bridge “begs” to be kept in daily service.

To try to make this happen, we are asking for your help. Please send an email with your thought(s) such as: “Please repair the historical iron bridge over Brushy Creek on CR 456 and return it to service.”  Any other comments you desire to include would be most welcome.  Send your email to: {This email is obscured. Your must have javascript enabled to see it}.  We will assemble all the petition comments and include them with the appeal letter.

Together we can help maintain history here in the Coupland area.


Choo Choo Fest 2014 Highlights and Images

Submitted by Susan Garry:

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Choo Choo Fest is a Coupland Civic Organization (CCO) fundraiser.  The very first Choo Choo Fest was in 2008 and was held outside, in downtown Coupland, and the funds raised went to restoring the Depot.  Then, after skipping a few years, Choo Choo Fest was held again in 2013, this time inside the Old Inn and Dancehall, in partnership with Tim and Barbara Worthy, with the funds raised allowing the CCO to begin restoration of the caboose.

So this 2014 event was the Second Annual Choo Choo Fest.  These two Fests that have been held inside the Inn have kept attendees out of the August sun in air-conditioned comfort.  Also, serving the meal has been much more convenient inside.  Attendees enjoyed the barbecue dinner.  For a minimum $10 donation, the dinner included barbecue chicken, pulled pork, beans, cole slaw, potato salad, bread, and iced tea.

This year’s bake sale featured a huge array of homemade desserts, sold whole or by the serving.  Also at the bake sale booth, Fundraising Co-Chairs Ruby Wabbel and Judy Downing sold the new Choo Choo Fest T-shirts.

The silent auction was so big, it overflowed its space.  During the Fest, people were still bringing in auction items, and some ended up being displayed on the bar.  The auction included original artwork, crafts, collectibles, toys, and more.

On the Dancehall stage, volunteer bands provided live music throughout the event, which raised about $6,800!

The CCO thanks all the directors, their families, and other community members who volunteered.  And a special big “thank you” to Barbara and Tim Worthy whose generous donation of food, the use of their facility and the help of their staff made Choo Choo Fest 2014 possible.