Non-toxic Household Cleaning is the Topic of the Civic Organization Meeting on Monday

The Coupland Civic Organization will meet on Monday, September 30, in the Coupland Fire Station. Tanya Suchomel will discuss using non-toxic chemicals in the home. Come for refreshments at 6:30 PM. The program will begin at 7 PM.

Tanya says, “I will talk about toxic chemicals in products we use everyday in our homes that we think are safe.” If you are wondering why this is important to her, listen to her own words:

For several years I have helped to educate others about toxic chemicals inside our homes that most people aren’t aware of. I came to this realization when our youngest son became very ill at age 11 and was suffering a slow death due to chemical toxicity. He is almost 25 years old now, and much, much healthier. We had to make a life or death decision to ‘go green’ with everyday consumables in our home. I found a very affordable way to do that.

One of the best reasons to go non-toxic: Let the kids help!

One of the best reasons to go non-toxic: Let the kids help!

Tanya’s program will include a video, handout material, and question and answer session.

[Publisher’s Note: This story was adapted from the August issue of the Coupland Herald, the quarterly newsletter of the Coupland Civic Organization.]


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