Tag Archives: City of Coupland Texas

City Council Regular Meeting Agenda for September 12, 2013

The public hearing on the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1 will be held at the beginning of this meeting. Click here for more information: Public Hearing Notice

Click on this link to download a PDF copy of the agenda: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda – September 12, 2013

Regular Meeting Agenda - September 12, 2013

City of Coupland Public Hearing Notice – FY 2014 Budget

City of Coupland




As per the requirements on Chapter 102 of the Texas Local Government Code, notice is hereby given that the Coupland City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed 2013-2014 Budget.

This budget will raise established revenue from property taxes of $32,450.

This meeting will be held on the 12th day of September 2013, beginning at 7:00 pm at the Coupland Volunteer Fire Station, 410 FM 1466, Coupland, Williamson County, Texas 78615.

A copy of materials related to the item will be available at the Public Hearing and found on the website CouplandTimes.com.  For further information contact Jack Piper, Mayor, at 512-856-2635.

[Publisher’s Note: Click on “Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget” above to see a copy of the proposed budget.]

Coupland City Council Meeting Highlights – August 22, 2013

This photo is from the June 11 meeting. L-R is Susan Garry, Barbara Piper, Jack Piper, Karen Marosko, Susan Schmidt, and Eldridge Tidwell.

This photo is from the June 11 meeting.
L-R is Susan Garry, Barbara Piper, Jack Piper, Karen Marosko, Susan Schmidt, and Eldridge Tidwell.

At the regular meeting of the Coupland City Council on August 22, the majority of the meeting was an informal question and answer session with Attorney Barney Knight. Here are the highlights:

  • The meeting was attended by the Mayor, all five Aldermen, the City Secretary (yours truly), one citizen, and one guest.
  • No citizens signed up to address the council.
  • The council approved an agreement with the legal firm of McKamie Krueger & Knight, LLP for legal services to the city.
  • A previous resolution appointing Barbara Bulware-Wells as the primary attorney representing the city from the the legal firm was amended to replace Ms. Wells with Jeff Ulmann from the same firm.
  • Two tax ordinances were passed. Ordinance No. 2013-8-22-01 ordered a special election on November 5, imposing a one percent sales tax within the city limits. Ordinance No. 2013-8-22-02 ordered a special election on the same date, imposing a one-quarter percent sales tax within the city limits to provide revenue for maintenance and repair on the city streets.
  • Barney Knight donated his time to answer questions from the council. Several questions were related to subdivision and zoning ordinances and Mr. Knight gave detailed an extensive responses providing the council with a variety of options. He especially addressed the process of establishing zoning ordinances and how existing property is affected by new zoning. There were questions about fireworks, mobile homes, junk vehicles, unkempt properties, right of way, local enforcement, and agricultural property. Public hearings will be held before any zoning ordinances are established.
  • Mr. Knight shared a few other tidbits of interest:
    • In the city’s extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ), the only ordinances the city can pass are sign and subdivision ordinances.
    • The city would have no realistic influence over the establishment of a new rail line in the ETJ.
    • Some ordinances can be adopted on one reading, others require more.
    • He learned early on that the first rule of public administration is to move slowly and take one step at a time.

Mr. Knight has extensive experience in representing municipalities and although he rarely works directly with cities these days, he said he would keep a close eye on the work his firm does for Coupland and that he would return for another question and answer period, if requested, at no charge to the city. He said he has a soft spot in his heart for Coupland because he used to pass through it regularly as a child when his family traveled to visit other family back in the days before Interstate 35 was built.

The next regular meeting of the city council will be on September 12 at the fire station.


Coupland City Council Meeting Highlights – August 8, 2013

This photo is from the June 11 meeting. L-R is Susan Garry, Barbara Piper, Jack Piper, Karen Marosko, Susan Schmidt, and Eldridge Tidwell.

This photo is from the June 11 meeting.
L-R is Susan Garry, Barbara Piper, Jack Piper, Karen Marosko, Susan Schmidt, and Eldridge Tidwell.

In their fourth meeting, the Coupland City Council continued to deal with routine organizational issues. They also discussed a few other issues. Here are the highlights:

  • The meeting was called to order at 7 PM. The meeting was attended by the Mayor, all five Aldermen, the City Secretary, and two citizens. No citizens signed up to address the council.
  • The minutes of the July 25th meeting were approved.
  • A resolution to collect franchise fees from Oncor was tabled again as the council awaits paperwork from Oncor. Other potential sources of franchise fees continue to be researched by the Mayor and other council members.
  • Mayor Piper outlined the process for adopting a budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1. There will be a series of meetings and a public hearing leading to the adoption of the budget at the regular meeting on September 26. Much of this meeting was devoted to discussing specific line items of the budget. The council considered the budget of the City of Wier and the initial projections made by the Ad Valorem Committee, which was part of the process of deciding what the property tax rate should be and which was set in the previous meeting. The Mayor is the chief financial officer for the City. Once he completes the budget proposal, he will submit it to the City Secretary and a public hearing will be set, with legal notice in the Taylor Daily Press.
  • There were two discussions regarding the issue of junk vehicles and the possibility of promoting voluntary city-wide clean-up campaigns, including assistance to residents who might need assistance to keep their property from becoming an eyesore. The council decided not to take any action on these issues at this time.
  • Legal paperwork related to the sales tax proposal, which will appear on the November ballot, is in progress.
  • The next meeting will be on August 22 at 7:00 PM at the fire station.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.