Tag Archives: Eldridge Tidwell

Coupland Election 2014 – The Incumbents


Especially in Coupland!

Three Alderman positions are up for consideration in November. Interestingly, this is a majority of what is formally known as the Board of Aldermen, which — together with the Mayor — form what we know as the Coupland City Council. So, if you like the course of the city government so far in its young life, this is your chance to keep it moving in that direction. If you’re not happy with its performance to date, this is your chance to make a change. Regardless of where you stand on the issues faced by Coupland as a community, get informed and get involved. The city council needs your input and your participation to have a fair chance at representing all of Coupland.

The Aldermen whose terms expire in November responded to a questionnaire sent by The Coupland Times. Here are the questions:

1. Do you intend to run for a second term as an Alderman? If not, please share your reason for not running.

2. What would you say was your most important contribution(s) to the City in your first term?

3. If you intend to stand for re-election, what issue(s) do you propose to focus upon in your second term? 

Here are their responses, in the order received: Continue reading